A Word of Caution - Do not play with Makishi!

Makishi knowledge, amongst the people that have them, falls into three categories: a) Things that anybody knows or may know, b) Things that are common knowledge but not spoken out loud, and, c) Things that only people who went through mukanda should know and talk about. In this blog you'll only find types a and b.

February 6, 2012

Photo 1: Chileya

Makishi Photographs 1: Chileya, the entertainer.

Chileya performing close to Zambezi D.C. in NW Province of Zambia. 1985, photo by author.

Chileya belongs to the group of makishi entertainers. He may perform independent of mukanda, the initiation ritual for boys. Many of his acts are about sex or have sexual connotations. Women like to dance with him - hoping to enhance their fertility or sexuality. Note the skyward orientation of the face - evoking the sense of spirituality that entertaining makishi also have.

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